The Friends of the Union Chain Bridge was founded to support the preservation of the Union Chain Bridge and to conserve, protect and enhance its immediate environment for public benefit. It is a community based organisation which aims to promote the historical and engineering importance of the unique structure both locally and internationally by the advancement of education, information and appreciation of it.

Become a Friend of the Union Chain Bridge!

What are the funds used for?

Funds raised by the friends will go towards leaflets, a website, potentially more detailed display boards by the bridge and of course a party to celebrate the bridge’s bi-centenary in 2020.

How do I become a member?

By becoming a member you will receive a leaflet about the bridge, a postcard showing Nasmyth’s painting of the bridge, a car sticker – please do display! – and regular email up-dates about progress on the restoration of the bridge. You can Apply Online.

How can I help?

Northumberland County Council together with Scottish Borders Council is making a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to obtain money to restore the bridge in time for 2020. The Friends group has support from James Fell, Heritage officer at NCC who is preparing the lottery bid. It is critical for this bid that public support is shown. It is everybody’s bridge after all! So, become a friend and once you do so send off some letters to anybody you think might give the bridge some publicity. Or tweet about it.. Or ‘like’ the Friends of the Union Chain Bridge Facebook page!